Water Main Upgrade

Toowoomba Raw Water Main Upgrade

Detailed hydraulic assessment on the existing Perseverance Raw Water Conveyance Main running between Peachey Reservoirs and the Mt Kynoch WTP assess and recommendation on a suitable inlet flow control valve on the duplicated inlet main to the WTP.   Attendance to detailed water hammer hydraulic modelling using Bentley Hammer to examine the likely static, surge and transient pressure effects on the existing PCM when the inlet flow control valve to the WTP is set to close.  Assessment and advice on the optimum closing times for the inlet flow control valve (i.e. to mitigate the concerns associated with induced water hammer effects when the inlet valve to the plant closes).  Assessment  and advice on a suitable alignment for the duplicate inlet main to the WTP and to address concerns raised by TRC operators.  Detailed design and documentation of new Perseverance inlet main. 

Nature of work

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